Fascia Stretch Therapy™ is a pain-free, personalized, and relaxing therapy that enhances well-being through a variety of movements performed by our Registered Kinesiologist. A highly researched practice started in 1995 that uses a combination of stretch techniques to help enhance quality of life.
What is Fascia (FASH-AH)?
A connective tissue system of the body that penetrates through and wraps around muscles, nerves, organs, and just about everything else in your body. Running in different chains/nets, fascia runs from your head to your toes.
What makes FST™ different?
- Pain free – stretching should NEVER hurt!
- Personal evaluation – ESSENTIAL to reach goals fast.
- Customized, NOT standardized for YOUR needs.
- Hundreds of stretches to personalize your experience.
- Session cost is not based on price, but on VALUE.
What is FST™ good for?
- Improve quality of life
- Reduce pain from lack of flexibility and mobility.
- Faster recovery from fitness and athletic activities.
What is incorporated in FST™ to make it different?
- Traction – produces faster and greater gains in flexibility and mobility.
- Flow – This method moves your body into ranges not attainable on your own.
- NeuroMyoFascia Techniques – the most comprehensive way to achieve optimal function in your neural, muscular and fascial systems.
What is required of an FST™ practitioner?
- Trained with the Stretch to Win Institute – the GOLD standard for assisted stretch training in the industry.
- Over 100 hours of training required before certification.
- Ongoing continuing education required to maintain certification.
How long does it take to see any effects of FST™ treatment?
While providing timelines is a practice not typically used in outpatient care, FST™ research suggests the following changes can happen within three sessions or less:
- PAIN – often greatly reduced or eliminated.
- STRESS – immediately and significantly reduced.
- SLEEP – finally wake up rested and refreshed.
- MOBILITY – greatly improved after one session.
- APPEARANCE – better posture, look and feel healthier and more confident.
- WEIGHT – better mobility, more effective training, stay motivated.
Book your appointment and start feeling amazing today!