Our Blog

What is FST™?

What is FST™?

Fascia Stretch Therapy™ is a pain-free, personalized, and relaxing therapy that enhances well-being through a variety of movements performed by our Registered Kinesiologist. A highly researched practice started in 1995 that uses a combination of stretch techniques to...

Subject: New Service Alert!

Subject: New Service Alert!

Joining our clinic is Samantha Buckle: a Registered Kinesiologist! Samantha is a young professional, eager to get people moving. Samantha has spent her education working with athletes and learning how the human body moves through many occupations (sport, work,...

What is FST™?

What is FST™?

Fascia Stretch Therapy™ is a pain-free, personalized, and relaxing therapy that enhances well-being through a variety of movements performed by our Registered Kinesiologist. A highly researched practice started in 1995 that uses a combination of stretch techniques to...

What do Registered Kinesiologists (R. Kins) do?

What do Registered Kinesiologists (R. Kins) do?

A Registered Kinesiologist (R. Kin) is a healthcare professional that uses a university based education to apply exercise and movement science to help promote health and well-being. An R. Kin will use the skills they have learned throughout their education and extra...